It’s been a phenomenal response, thanks to you. Your voice definitely counts. Although we don’t know the exact breakdown of “for vs against” the proposed “Conversion Therapy” ban, the Government simply won’t be able to ram this controversial bill through as they wanted to. They now have a major headache.
Also reported by Newshub:
It’s the highest number of submissions ever received on a bill in New Zealand.
And on 1 News:
The number of public submissions on the proposed law to ban conversion therapy has broken the New Zealand record for the highest ever received on a proposed law, with 106,700 submissions counted so far.
National MP Simon Bridges wants more time for Parliament to consider the 100,000+ submissions. You can watch his parliamentary speech here
The previous record was 38,000 submissions on the euthanasia bill. And while that was and still is a dangerous law (which we will continue to monitor closely), this proposed “conversion therapy” bill also ticks all the wrong boxes.
Let’s be clear – all New Zealanders should be protected from coercive, abusive or involuntary psychological or spiritual practices. However, participation in psychological assessments, counselling sessions, prayer meetings and other therapeutic practices is almost always an expression of voluntary behaviour and personal freedom.
Under this proposed ban, people could be prevented from getting help to live the lifestyle they choose – if that lifestyle is heterosexual and/or based on their biological sex. While gender and sexuality is supposedly ‘fluid’, the “trans” activists want the law to stipulate that it can only go in the direction they approve.
To penalise people on the basis of their beliefs or personal lifestyle choices lacks fairness and is a dangerous discrimination.
To criminalise parents who genuinely care for their children should certainly not be a crime warranting up to five years in jail.
PLEASE NOTE: We are preparing some guidelines for those who are able to make an oral submission. If you get called to make an oral submission, please let us know.