Obviously we want to criminalise parents – Bill advocate

Media Release 7 August 2021
Family First NZ says that despite claims of some politicians in Parliament on Thursday, the proposed ‘conversion therapy’ ban will criminalise parents – an effect of the bill which even the Ministry of Justice has acknowledged.

On Newstalk ZB on Friday afternoon, Auckland Pride Director and conversion therapy ban supporter Max Tweedie was asked whether National MPs were right to be concerned about parents being criminalised for stopping a young teen going on puberty blockers. Despite initial denial of the true effect of the bill, he ultimately admitted that obviously they should be criminalised, and why wouldn’t we want them criminalised.

LISTEN: https://bit.ly/3rVzc6J

Under the proposed law, parents could be criminalised and liable to three (and possibly even five) years imprisonment simply for affirming that their sons are boys and their daughters are girls. And not only can they be charged for a crime, but complaints can also be made to the Human Rights Commission and the Human Rights Review Tribunal – which will also have a chilling effect.

A mum who encourages and helps her 12-year-old daughter to accept the body she was born with, rather than being placed on dangerous puberty blockers and wearing chest binders, could be committing a criminal offence. A parent who promotes biological sex could be criminalised, but an activist who indoctrinates young children with the concept of ‘gender fluidity’ and ‘third gender’ will be celebrated.

In other words, a ban would criminalise loving parents who wish to protect their child from the physical, emotional, and psychological harm caused by gender dysphoria. The proposed ‘conversion therapy’ ban will be yet another attack on parents’ rights.

This is not loving or compassionate towards children. Numerous reviews show the majority of children who are confused about their gender also suffer from diagnosed mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

The Ministry of Justice’s own analysis of the proposed law says: 

“It would be a criminal offence for parents, or other members of a family, to attempt to change or suppress the sexual orientation, gender identity or expression of children within the family” 

Crown Law advice also refers to this “chilling” effect on expressions of opinion within families & whanau.

Last week, Minister of Justice Kris Faafoi was unable to answer the same question: Is it ok or a parent to say no to hormone blockers for a 12 year old who wants to change their gender.

LISTEN: https://bit.ly/3yop1df

The Minister of Justice does not answer the question simply and clearly for parents to know where they stand under this proposed law. And that makes it a bad law.

A nationwide poll at the beginning of this year found 81% said that it should not be a crime for a parent to affirm to their daughter that she’s a girl or to their son that he’s a boy.

To criminalise parents who genuinely care for their children should not be a crime warranting up to five years in jail.

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